Using aiopenapi3

As a client

Creating a client from a description document

aiopenapi3 can ingest description documents from different sources.

The url parameter describes the path of the description document. The url of a request is created by combining the

  1. description documents url

  2. the location from the description url

  • OpenAPI 3.x: servers[*].url

  • Swagger 2.0: basePath

  1. path from the PathItem


  1. http://localhost/api/openapi.yaml

  2. servers[0].url = ‘/api/v1’

  3. ‘/users/login’

will result in

http://localhost /api/v1 /users/login

Refer to ServerVariables for advanced use of the url definition.

For aiopenapi3.OpenAPI.load_file() the url parameter does not specify the location of the description document, a url which can be used to construct the proper operations path is required nevertheless.

aiopenapi3 can interface services in synchronous as well as asynchronous. To create a traditional/blocking api client, provide a session_factory which return value annotation matches httpx.Client, httpx.AsyncClient for asynchronous clients.

After ingesting the description document, the api client object returned can be used to interface the service. In case the services requires authentication, use aiopenapi3.OpenAPI.authenticate() and refer to Authentication for details.

from aiopenapi3 import OpenAPI
api = OpenAPI.load_sync("")
api.authenticate(AuthorizationHeaderToken=f"token {TOKEN}")

Creating a request

While there is multiple ways to access a service operations, all return a Request which can be called.

The sad smiley interface aiopenapi3.request.OperationIndex.__getattr__().

req = api._.getUser
m = req() ==
# True

or, in case the PathItem does not have an operationId, it is possible to create a request via aiopenapi3.request.OperationIndex.__getitem__()

req = api._[("/user", "get")]
m = req() ==
# True

or aiopenapi3.OpenAPI.createRequest().

req = api.createRequest(("/user", "get"))
m = req() ==
# True

A list of all operations with operationIds exported by the service is available via the Iter.

operationIds = list(api._.Iter(api, False))
# ['activitypubPerson', 'activitypubPersonInbox', 'adminCronList' …

Creating a request to the service and inspecting the result:

user = api._.userGetCurrent()
# <class ''>
# "2022-12-07 16:50:07+00:00"

For more information of mentioned return valuew of type aiopenapi3.request.RequestBase() refer to Requests.

Using Operation Tags

In case the description document makes use of operation tags, the sad smiley can make use of them as well, scoping the access to the methods.

t = OpenAPI.load_sync("", use_operation_tags=True)
t.authenticate(AuthorizationHeaderToken=f"token {TOKEN}")

sorted(filter(lambda x: x.partition(".")[0] == "user", t._.Iter(api, True)))
# ['user.createCurrentUserRepo', 'user.getUserSettings' …

n = t._.user.userGetCurrent() ==
# True

Operation Parameters

Operations may require Parameters or a Body.

To create a body which does validates according to the description document, the Requests property can be used. Client side validation of the body is not required but very helpful in case the service does not accept the request.

bt =
# <class ''>
body = bt.parse_obj({"name":"rtd", "default_branch":"main", "description":"Read The Docs Example Repository"})
repo = api._.createCurrentUserRepo(data=body.dict(exclude_defaults=True))

aiopenapi3 takes care of Parameters in path, query or header. The parameters of a request can be inspected via aiopenapi3.v30.glue.Request.parameters.

# Traceback (most recent call last):
# …
# ValueError: Required Parameter ['owner', 'repo'] missing (provided [])

# [Parameter(extensions=None, name='owner', in_=<_In.path: 'path'>, description='owner of the repo', required=True, schema_=None, type='string', format=None, allowEmptyValue=None, items=None, collectionFormat=None, default=None, maximum=None, exclusiveMaximum=None, minimum=None, exclusiveMinimum=None, maxLength=None, minLength=None, pattern=None, maxItems=None, minItems=None, uniqueItems=None, enum=None, multipleOf=None), Parameter(extensions=None, name='repo', in_=<_In.path: 'path'>, description='name of the repo', required=True, schema_=None, type='string', format=None, allowEmptyValue=None, items=None, collectionFormat=None, default=None, maximum=None, exclusiveMaximum=None, minimum=None, exclusiveMinimum=None, maxLength=None, minLength=None, pattern=None, maxItems=None, minItems=None, uniqueItems=None, enum=None, multipleOf=None)]

list(map(lambda y:, filter(lambda x: x.required==True, api._.repoGet.parameters)))
# ['owner', 'repo']

r = api._.repoGet(parameters={"owner":user.login, "repo":"rtd"})

Using body and parameters does not surprise:

import codecs
body ={'name':'', "contents":codecs.encode(b"# everything starts somewhere", "base64")})
commit = api._.repoCreateFile(parameters={"owner":user.login, "repo":"rtd", "filepath":""}, data=body)

# 'b128a6f7b1927d5be78861717cf505fc095befb9'

And …

api._.repoDelete(parameters={"owner":user.login, "repo":"rtd"})


Difference when using asyncio - await.

import asyncio
from aiopenapi3 import OpenAPI

REPO = "rtd-asyncio"

async def example():
    api = await OpenAPI.load_async("")
    api.authenticate(AuthorizationHeaderToken=f"token {TOKEN}")

    operationIds = list(api._.Iter(api, False))
    # ['activitypubPerson', 'activitypubPersonInbox', 'adminCronList' …

    user = await api._.userGetCurrent()
    req = api.createRequest(("/user", "get"))

    m = await req()
    assert ==

    t = await OpenAPI.load_async("", use_operation_tags=True)
    t.authenticate(AuthorizationHeaderToken=f"token {TOKEN}")

    sorted(filter(lambda x: x.partition(".")[0] == "user", t._.Iter(api, True)))
    # ['user.createCurrentUserRepo', 'user.getUserSettings' …

    n = await t._.user.userGetCurrent()
    assert ==

    bt =
    body = bt.parse_obj({"name":REPO, "default_branch":"main", "description":"Read The Docs Example Repository"})
    repo = await api._.createCurrentUserRepo(data=body.dict(exclude_defaults=True))

    r = await api._.repoGet(parameters={"owner":user.login, "repo":REPO})

    import codecs
    body ={'name':'', "contents":codecs.encode(b"# everything starts somewhere", "base64")})
    commit = await api._.repoCreateFile(parameters={"owner":user.login, "repo":REPO, "filepath":""}, data=body)

    # 'b128a6f7b1927d5be78861717cf505fc095befb9'

    await api._.repoDelete(parameters={"owner":user.login, "repo":REPO})

Command line

The aiopenapi3 cli provides commands to

  • convert (compatibility loaded) yaml -> json

  • validate description documents

  • call operations

Some parameters are shared with all sub-commands:

  • –location - redirect description documents loads to these local path, stripping the dd path to the name. Multiple locations are possible, the loader will try.

  • –cache - use a serialized/pickled version / serialize/pickle after parsing

  • –plugins - import a python document and load classes of it to use as plugins

  • –verbose

  • –profile - cProfile the command execution

  • –tracemalloc - tracemalloc the execution

global parameters


tracemalloc provides information about memory usage:

Top 25 lines
#1: HERE/aiopenapi3/ 34836.6 KiB
    api = pickle.load(f)
#2: HERE/pydantic/pydantic/ 13978.3 KiB
    field_info = FieldInfo(
#3: HERE/aiopenapi3/ 3816.2 KiB
    class Config:
#4: /usr/lib/python3.10/ 3652.2 KiB
    cls = super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs)
#5: /usr/lib/python3.10/ 3640.0 KiB
    return _abc_subclasscheck(cls, subclass)
1065 other: 5515.0 KiB
Total allocated size: 84830.4 KiB


profiling provides information about function execution speed/ncalls:

        6409418 function calls (6246933 primitive calls) in 19.742 seconds

   Ordered by: cumulative time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        1    0.000    0.000   19.753   19.753 HERE/openapi3/aiopenapi3/
        1    0.000    0.000   19.228   19.228 HERE/openapi3/aiopenapi3/
        1    0.784    0.784   18.892   18.892 HERE/openapi3/aiopenapi3/
8380/5724    0.032    0.000   16.059    0.003 HERE/openapi3/aiopenapi3/
5910/5709    0.060    0.000   16.037    0.003 HERE/openapi3/aiopenapi3/
5910/5709    0.051    0.000   15.928    0.003 HERE/openapi3/aiopenapi3/
     2083    0.021    0.000   12.627    0.006 /usr/lib/python3.10/
     2083    0.445    0.000   12.549    0.006 HERE/pydantic/pydantic/
    10726    0.107    0.000    8.882    0.001 HERE/pydantic/pydantic/



aiopenapi3 validate tests/fixtures/with-broken-links.yaml

6 validation errors for OpenAPISpec
paths -> /with-links -> get -> responses -> 200 -> links -> exampleWithBoth -> __root__
 operationId and operationRef are mutually exclusive, only one of them is allowed (type=value_error.spec; message=operationId and operationRef are mutually exclusive, only one of them is allowed; element=None)
paths -> /with-links -> get -> responses -> 200 -> links -> exampleWithBoth -> $ref
 field required (type=value_error.missing)
paths -> /with-links -> get -> responses -> 200 -> $ref
 field required (type=value_error.missing)
paths -> /with-links-two -> get -> responses -> 200 -> links -> exampleWithNeither -> __root__
 operationId and operationRef are mutually exclusive, one of them must be specified (type=value_error.spec; message=operationId and operationRef are mutually exclusive, one of them must be specified; element=None)
paths -> /with-links-two -> get -> responses -> 200 -> links -> exampleWithNeither -> $ref
 field required (type=value_error.missing)
paths -> /with-links-two -> get -> responses -> 200 -> $ref
 field required (type=value_error.missing)

For valid description documents, it is possible to see some basic statistics about the documents structure, the number of operations and components.schemas/definitions, not including implicit/PathItem defined schemas.

aiopenapi3 -v validate tests/fixtures/petstore-expanded.yaml
…  0:00:00.018789 (processing time)
… 4 #operations
… 4 #operations (with operationId)
… 0 tests/fixtures/petstore-expanded.yaml: 3
… 3 schemas total


While restish will be the better choice calling API from the cli - it is possible with aiopenapi3 as well.


Description document mangling may be required, therefore plugins can be used.

aiopenapi3 -P tests/ \
call createUser \
--authenticate '{"api_key":"special-key"}'  \
--data '{"id":1, "username": "bozo", "firstName": "Bozo", "lastName": "Smith", "email": "", "password": "letmemin", "phone": "111-222-333", "userStatus": 3 }'
  "code": 200,
  "message": "1",
  "type": "unknown"

jmespath expressions can be used to massage the result via --format

aiopenapi3 -P tests/ \
call findPetsByStatus \
--parameters '{"status": ["available", "pending"]}' \
--authenticate '{"petstore_auth":"test"}' \
--format "[0]"
  "category": {
    "id": 0,
    "name": "string"
  "id": 9223372036854589760,
  "name": "doggie",
  "photoUrls": [
  "status": "available",
  "tags": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string"
--format "[? name=='doggie' && status == 'available'].{name:name, photo:photoUrls} | [0:2]"
    "name": "doggie",
    "photo": [
      "non eu",
      "Duis Lorem"
    "name": "doggie",
    "photo": [